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Old 2013-05-16, 12:27 PM   #22
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...compound css and using nested div tags ... Dreamweaver
Looks good, and even using Dreamweaver you managed mostly to avoid the dreaded divitis and classitis that it's notorious for causing.

A couple of things you may want to consider on your cleos-porn-links pages. You likely know that a class can be applied to as many elements as you want, while an ID should only be applied once to one element on any page/document. So having many divs with an ID of navcontainer probably isn't what you meant to do.

You could just convert the navcontainer to a class instead of an ID so you can use it multiple times. And then in the interest of avoiding all divitis, you can consider applying that new navcontainer class directly to the ULs themselves instead of wrapping each list in a div too.

Just wanted to mention those things before you have too many pages done.


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