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Old 2013-02-15, 10:57 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Cleo View Post
Personally I'd love to see one of these ePay solutions partner with CCBill.
I second that. in fact, if you got CCBill on board I'll sign up for your service.
Originally Posted by ePayments View Post
We will announce shortly a list of affiliate programs who makes payments with ePayments.
(Re-reading this post it gives the impression that I am attacking your company. I am not, this is meant as advice.)

You have been saying "will announce shortly a list of affiliate programs" for a while, we are still waiting. Simply put, if you had any sponsors on your books worth using you would advertise it. Posts like your last one are saying that you are afraid to give out this information. If you are not prepared to put out this information from day one, you will fail in business. Unfortunately many of us lost money when ePassporte closed, and regardless of how honest you are, if you fail as a business then those who use your service will loose money. So until you are prepared to publish a list of sponsors using you I suggest that you keep a low profile. Because until you do, every post you make (here or elsewhere) and every advert you pay for is not helping you, it is hurting you. You are turning good webmasters and good sponsors away from ever using your service.

And worse was your reply to G's question. It came over as desperation. Reading between the lines it says "Help, none of the good sponsors will use our service because so few webmasters have signed up with us. We desperately need you to sign up or we will go under. Please... Please.... Big Please."

You have to realise that most webmasters are not idiots. Some are, but they will be no good to you because they will make so little money that your commission will be pennies, if that. And those that are not idiots are not fooled by "Ad Speak". In fact to be a good webmaster you have to be good at "Ad Speak", so we will be fully aware of what any such posting means. If you want webmasters to sign up you need to be more open and honest. And never ever attempt to post anything that sounds like it was written by a third rate politician.
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