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Old 2013-02-08, 10:21 PM   #1
Ms Naughty
old enough to be Grandma Scrotum
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Coming back to the board

Hi all
So since GG gently put the boot into me for not posting here often I thought I'd better say a proper hello again here. Because it has been a while since I did so. I have dropped by for an occasional read of the threads but haven't posted.

I must admit, Facebook and Twitter has somewhat replaced message boards for me and also I've been fairly flat out for more than six months with site building. Me and Wordpress have become very good friends indeed. Meanwhile, Google broke up with me a little bit but we've been through that before and I'm hoping it will come around.

It's been a *really* long time since I made an old-fashioned free site. I'm wondering if I should maybe try again although perhaps the rules have changed (?). But then it feels like everything in the game has changed. I have no idea how to make a free site compete with Tumblrs that are chock full of free pics... or the tube sites. I'm actually about to do an experiment with PornHub (despite the sick feeling of betrayal it gives me) to see if any sales can be made from it.


Also, I wonder if I should change my name on the board. I'm going by Ms. Naughty now and have for ages. My Ms Naughty cartoon is much nicer looking than old Grandma
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