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Old 2004-04-17, 12:58 PM   #15
I Didn't Do It
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Originally posted by Jim
I heard it on a few conservative radio talk shows yesterday. Kind of off the point but, why would anyone in this business be a Republican? I don't think I will ever understand that type of thinking. I actually heard one radio host laughing about it saying, "what comes around, goes around".
I bet you would get a LOT of answers to that question over on Sergei's board

I doubt any of the answers would make it any clearer to you or I though...

I also wonder why So Many adult webmasters seem to be republican supporters..... but then I think back to August 2001... when every day, on almost every board, there were jokes about GWB and hardly anyone (American or not) would say a good word about him.... and then how fast that changed... I hope that once Bush follows his dad onto the single termers garbage pile... America wont "have" to rally behind him anymore... and I hope things get a little more back to the normal "anti-government" leaning American's seemed to usually have prior to the NYC attack.
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