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Old 2004-04-17, 02:19 AM   #8
Don't come to Florida for vacation. We're closed.
Alphawolf's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Orlando, Florida
Posts: 1,874
Great question.

I'll be rehashing what others stated, but:

First, I look at the entrance page and tour to see if it's OK. If it's crap it doesn't matter.

Good stats is a must have.

Hosted picture galleries and movie clip galleries. Daily rotating or at least random gallery options.

Picture of The Day or Picture of the Hour...basically stuff to offer the surfer so they come back often.

E-mail Newsletters WITH new hosted galleries including links WITH my link code is awesome!

Assigning speciifc reps (peeps) to me and sending an e-mail to let me know who to contact for anything.

Various Tour options.

NO CONSOLE options on everything.

Have a convenient way like a link+description list dump so I can copy and paste every hosted gallery you have.

Have GOOD content for the site you want us to sell.

Ability to offer different priced tours. $1, $4.95 /3 days (whatever).

Have a message board to support and communicate with us.

Pay us on time.

Have certain periods where you pay out a bit more.

Have quality back ends so the surfer feels good about plunkin' down their money.

Have an 'All Access" pass to all your sites.

How's that?
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