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Old 2012-01-23, 08:54 AM   #1
Subversive filth of the hedonistic decadent West
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Google Updates Algorithm to Punish Websites with Excessive, Top of Page Ads

Saw this today

Google has decided to take punitive actions against those websites that flood the top of their web pages with ads due to which the visitors have to scroll down to finally view the relevant contents on the page.
According to Google, this type of layouts annoys the users and thus the web search company will be penalizing those websites through search results. The company disclosed this on their company blog.
Google's distinguished engineer, Matt Cutts, stated on Google Webmaster Central blog, "If you click on a website and the part of the website you see first either doesn't have a lot of visible content above-the-fold or dedicates a large fraction of the site's initial screen real estate to ads."

This, according to the engineer, who is seen as the main authority on search engine optimization (SEO) of the search giant, is not good for user experience and thus such websites might not get high ranking on Google web search.
However, the company will not be punishing those websites that has ad contents up to what Google considers "normal degree" but those websites will be affected that has "excessive" ads content due to which it's hard to find the original content. In fact, the company has also developed a new algorithm improvement to implement this.
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