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Old 2012-01-13, 09:42 AM   #19
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Originally Posted by Pagan View Post
Police do a job within a physical jurisdiction, and enforce laws of local municipality. They do not have state-wide or national powers. Constables in Texas do, but that is an elected position. When you ask one body to enforce laws that cross state and national boundaries, you have a huge issue with enforcement. Tell me a country that is struggling hard like Greece cares one iota about anyone's intellectual property. They do not have the funding for a police force to enforce US laws. I am not picking on Greece, but they are in very serious financial difficulties right now along with a good number of other countries.

Who will fund this police force? The US? For everyone? Really? And how many billions of dollars will this cost the already overburdened US Taxpayer? It's a good idea, but it has not been well thought out except for the US part. There are other ways to make the files more difficult to upload or duplicate. I know it was done with DVDs not too long ago in the US. Some of the responsibility needs to come from the surfers, too.
Aaaah, you're missing the point. In our western society, if someone is stealing from you then you get the authorities to stop it. What is your plan to stop IP theft?

Last edited by ArtWilliams; 2012-01-13 at 09:58 AM..
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