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Old 2011-07-12, 05:27 AM   #12
Selling porn allows me to stay in a constant state of Bliss - ain't that a trip!
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Originally Posted by Jeremy82 View Post
Good note, but are you really sure they're not giving some fresh content to their members (as far as I know they're paying decent $ for sign up)?
No, not sure. But, the tours don't change, the available promo content doesn't change, on the half dozen programs I used to sell.

So, maybe they are updating inside the sites.

No, wait, there are two at east where I have ID/pass to go inside, and I have, looking fo rnew content to use for promotion. The members area was exactly the same as it was two years ago.

So at least two I KNOW have not updated inside the members area since the sale.

And I have checked the old extremepaychecks affiliate areas a number of times since the sale, and movieprofuts too as I recall, tho not as regularly, and they were dead inside the affiliate areas.

I used ot make a lot of money off extreme paychecks and decent money off movieprofits, so I wanted them to continue and grow.

On the plus side, I do still see signups from my old links that go to dee sites, and have gotten paid for those sales.
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