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Old 2011-03-17, 12:39 PM   #24
Aw, Dad, you've done a lot of great things, but you're a very old man, and old people are useless
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 23
Originally Posted by Toby View Post
At this point I think everyone is satisfied with the explanation, except for you and Egon, who still have a mad on about being asked about it all.
Toby please understand that Leroy is urging me to cool it and let this go. I'm the only one with a "mad on" now. We are not missing any point here... rather it appears everyone else is.

The problem is the title of this thread, and the title of this forum. Most people will read only those two pieces, and rarely delve into the entire thread. This damages Leroy's reputation which he has built for years.

There was no onus on Leroy to disclose anything ahead of time. Rather, it would have been his if he had been asked. In this case, he was, but wasn't given enough time to respond. I take this very seriously because it almost feels like a friend took a bullet for me, and for what? For nothing.

And that chicken shit meatpounder is watching this whole thing unfold and is choosing to cower in silence. And why suddenly does meatpounder need to hide his info? What is he afraid of? Toby, justice has not been served.

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