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Old 2010-10-25, 09:24 AM   #5
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Good morning.

I bought a new laptop last week [Lenovo Edge 13 (AMD model)]. As you might expect, it had Windows 7 on it. I was impressed. So much so, that I have loaded my data on to it and will give it a whirl. Perhaps I'll decided not to use Ubuntu. I can't believe I just wrote that. Anyhow, all the open source software I use is available for Windows (OpenOffice, GIMP, KompZer, Thunderbird, etc.) so there is really no adjustment needed on my part (other than to load and use a malware and virus checker).

Day 1 of Weighter Watchers on-line. I weigh 197.2 lbs (89.6 kg). I am hoping to lose 20 - 30 lbs (9 -14 kg). A couple of years ago I lost 20 lbs (9 kg) but let the stress of my difficult daughter get to me. I ate and drank it back on. With the situation in my household much better -- my daughter is no longer nasty and violent plus she's in therapy -- I think I can try this again. There is significant heart disease on my Dad's side of the family so it is important to keep my weight under control. I know from experience that the first week is always the worst in terms of hunger pains. So call me Mr. Crabby Pants for the rest of the week.

Other than that it is work interrupted by flying a friend to the airport and later picking up my daughter at school. Oh yeah, local elections here so I have to go vote.

Have a great [sales] day!

Last edited by ArtWilliams; 2010-10-25 at 09:31 AM..
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