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Old 2010-06-26, 03:03 AM   #23
If there is nobody out there, that's a lot of real estate going to waste!
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Originally Posted by grandmascrotum View Post
I do hope AVN is right and .xxx is not a done deal. As you say, how can they be allowed to charge that much money to protect intellectual property? Bastards.
Well as Diane said in an email to me the other day, Lawrey is severely pissed that they have to go through a review of their "sponsored community" which they will probably lose, and the approval of the GAC(Government Advisory Committee) again, where they were rejected before.

Might have something to do with me calling them out about that.

Or maybe my ICANN post about the viability of their business plan, which was referenced in the ICM paid Executive Summary above.

As far as the Aussie filter, I've been reading various news articles that Conroy is rapidly losing party support because there is an election coming and all the politicos want to be elected again.

BTW, does anybody want sponsor IDs for ICM supporters.
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Last edited by tickler; 2010-06-26 at 03:06 AM..
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