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Old 2010-06-23, 09:28 PM   #1
"Without evil there can be no good, so it must be good to be evil sometimes" ~ Satan
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Location: Motor City, baby, where carjacking was invented! Now GIMME THOSE SHOES!
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Payout Scavenger Hunt Complete

So I've finished the grueling task of going through all my affiliate accounts and checking conversions/ratios while I was otherwise occupied. The results are somewhat interesting so I thought I'd share them; my own personal "Cheers n' Jeers" if you will.

I should say up front that when my shop moved about 3.5 years ago my head was so far out of it that I never updated addresses, so several sponsors had returned checks and held the money for me; for 3+ years without a single login from me. Others have me locked out of their affiliate interfaces and have yet to respond to my emails almost a week later, so even if I shake something out of them they don't get a pat on the back.

First off, the following sponsors had money sitting right there for me. Many are below the minimum payout, but the money's right there waiting for another sale or two. After watching all the scams in this business; it warms my cold, black little heart to see honest programs so I'm happy to give them a shout out.

OC Cash
Pussy Cash
Rise Cash
Rage Cash
CCBill (my fucking heroes, just shy of a grand coming my way once accounting sorts things out and 2 rebills still running)
WEG Cash (who always sent the occasional check because they had my home addy)

Also, I got immediate and very helpful responses to inquiries from the following programs; though they didn't owe me anything:

Naughty America
Guerilla Traffic

I'm not going to list everyone who hasn't gotten back to me yet, because it's not really fair to point fingers at this point. The other notable thing I found was that there were a couple places I had zero conversions, even though I'd sent half an assload of traffic. I'm not trying to bash these programs, but I find it curious that 100% clicked link list traffic resulted in conversion ratios this poor.

Extreme Paychecks, 0:22,191
PE Cash: 0:29,947

I bet you can guess whose links are getting pulled in the revamp

Anyway, I always find this kind of stuff interesting so I wanted to post it.
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