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Old 2010-06-03, 11:21 AM   #15
Along for the ride and loving it.
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Good morning all.

Emmy's father passed away last night after fighting cancer for over a year. She is dealing with her loss fairly well because both she and her father had time to come to terms with his illness but at the end his passing was a blessing and for that she was grateful.

I remember one time when Emmy told her dad " I don't do funerals so don't expect to see me there when you're looking down. I would rather remember you as you are now." And he replied with a smile " That's ok I'm the same and who knows, I may be looking up, rather than down." Her father was quite a character and he could find humor in even the saddest of conversations.

I never really got to know the man as well as I would have liked but we had a mutual respect for each other and I knew him as a man of integrity with a firm grasp on life and an understanding of business that made him a well respected pillar of the community. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends.
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