Thread: Sad News
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Old 2004-03-24, 06:44 AM   #1
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Sad News

We have been in this industry about 4 years now and have met many wonderful people. One of those people was MD (Meir) from

Meir is a dedicated webmaster who was totally behind the 8 ball, being from Israel for a start, and having english as his second language. But he always managed to rise above anything, and continue to work hard and create a good income for his wife and future planned family.

Starting their family has never been easy from the start and Meir and his wife went through 4 years of the IVF program which has been an enormous burdon both emotionally and financially.

Finally last year Meir's wife, Maya became pregnant. Everything was going so well for them, the pregnancy was stable and the baby seemed strong.

Unfortunately, for Maya and Meir, not everything went smoothly and due to a sudden onset of some complications with the pregnancy, Doctors were forced to deliver the baby 3 months premature and they gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom they named Shany.

Shany was born on the 6th of January 2004. She was 3 months premature and weighed a mere 1lb 2oz (530 grams)

During her short time with her family Shaney fought hard through many complications, but she sadly lost her battle and Shany passed away on March 20th.

Meir and Maya are both devastated and are trying hard to hold everything together. As committed to raising a loving family as this couple are, they have already decided to start on the IVF program again, which I can only imagine would have been a very hard decision to make at this time. They desperately want to have a family and now feel that they owe it to Shany to keep trying.

I have seen this community pull together before, and I once again hope that you can offer all your thoughts and prayers to Meir and Maya as there would be no more a deserving couple than them.

Mark (Marker) and Kerry (Kezza)

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