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Old 2010-01-20, 07:55 PM   #3
Selling porn allows me to stay in a constant state of Bliss - ain't that a trip!
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Yes, but one case would both scare off all the theives, and put the kibosh on the tubes gimmick of having employees steal and "upload".

And, you can sell off the judgement at a discount to those people who are willing to wait for their money, and at least pay the lawyers.

Yeah you'll get a couple of people that will remain judgement-proof forever, but most people will grow up and want to be able to buy a car and house.

The big payoff would be the theiving scam of "user generated" would be hurt, and the urban lore that if you upload to a tube you can be hunted down, shamed, and ruined will be promulgated.

Mostly I'm wondering if this idea is being discussed anywhere, and who is discussing it if anybody is.
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