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Old 2010-01-11, 11:42 AM   #12
I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 89
Incorporate a NDA in your terms of service, essentially giving them a gag-order, they may not release transcripts publicly.

When did webhosting back in 03-04, I would occasionally have a customer complain about something that wasn't my problem, they would raise a storm, and go post about it on WHT. Whenever that happened, I saw an increase in sales/signups for a week or so after the fact.

When a customer is bitching and complaining and throwing a tantrum, most of the times, the public will side with the hoster, if the hoster is reputable, and consistently reacts and communicates with integrity and class.
PM me for link trades on 93 handwritten blogs.

Adult bloggers wanted
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