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Old 2009-04-25, 12:09 PM   #12
Live and learn. And take very careful notes!
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Good eve all We still have some warm weather but rain is on its way, sure ofcourse rain now because the kids have a 2 week holiday of from school!
My son came back from schoolcamp yesterday and he is still very tired, further yesterday eve, my evil daughter totally freaked out like an insane person and started to curse like hell and used some words which i defitnly dont wanna hear in my house! And all this because she blames her brother that he took an xbox game from her and its now lost, still i never seen her yelling and cursing like this before, at first hubby and me started to laugh because she reacted to strange, then it got worse and i realy thought she was on some drugs or so, seems the little rat has drank a couple of cans of energy drinks which she defitnly can not handle, she is also forbidden to drink that stuff ( same like she may not drink coca cola with caffeine).
But today all is fine again , she is very tired and she got her butt grownded, no boyfriend dates for her for some days....ofcourse she isnt happy with that, but she knows she went very wrong by yelling some terrible diseases names around here.
I will be busy the next 2 weeks with my kids and i wish you all some good weather and a great time!
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