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Old 2009-04-09, 08:08 PM   #44
Perverted Empress
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Money is tight, and some don't want to lose 5-10 bucks per signup by going no-console, no cross sale. Some don't know you have to LOOK for the premium special links. If they are pulling the links out of the emails the sponsors send, that is probably the way it happens. I have made the mistake before of using consoles, but fixed it quickly.

Now, if submits are down, that means there are not as many of us out there making sites. We might be able to persuade the better sponsors to offer us this "premium" level of service. Most of us do not buy content anymore - sponsors give us so much for free it is almost crazy. Maybe instead of grousing at the messenger, we need to work on the sponsors? Do they really want to be known for putting out all those popups and annoying traps, or would they rather be known for great porn, fair deals, and listening to their affiliates?

One other thing we can try as LL owners. When we see stuff with pop-ups why not label it as such? Wendy Webmistress sends me a great freesite, but it has consoles on it. I will list it, but I will also add to the description "Consoles" so that the surfer is aware. If Wendy is smart, she will check to see if I listed her site and take the hint. If she does, she learns to choose sponsors AND links carefully. If not, I know I did my part.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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