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Old 2009-04-08, 02:17 PM   #19
The poster formally known as NOCHEXContact
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Originally Posted by NY Jester View Post
Smiths this was never a personal issue. Honestly. You made the thread just an hour after you sent your email. I hadn't even seen the reply to that point. This couldve been settled, with a quick..damn, sorry I fucked up...Like I said Im not a fly by night guy, nor am I a prick. Quite honestly, I had always thought for the most part your sites were done well. I had sent a few responses back in regards to using blind reciprocal links within your recip tables but ALWAYS gave you the benefit of the doubt but I was still seeing the same thing half the time. It kind of got me searching and thats when I came across the fake recips.

All I ask is for an honest true submission and within the rules (even bent to some small extent without breaking) But using a fake recip table is just further than I can go. Being a fairly new link list, I don't expect those that don't know me to submit me with the top sites, Im grateful when they do, as I am friends with many of them, but I do ask that I get the respect of at least having true recips, because not for nothing, Im giving away my traffic, no matter the size, I should at least have the opportunity to receive a little back. As the ole addage states - one hand washes the other.
Ok heres my view from a submission point of view;

I would much rather submit to a 'group' of LL that list and update, as a submiter it is not always an easy thing to do and my only means I have to decide how to group sites are

1 - an email to confirm the listing = 1*
2 - Physical traffic = 2*
3 - No email or traffic = 0*

Then within the 1 & 2* I boost them based on partner accounts and well known lists.

If I could half the size of my submission list and know (assuming sites are built right) and all were listed this appeals more to me.

As a submitter I really rely on the feedback from the LL declined emails are kept and I go through them and try my best to amend the issues, if I cant then I delete the LL from my list, for example some may mail me and expect to be listed with the top top LL - er sorry this cant be done or they will get the hump.

What you have said about the recip tables was to me really valid feedback.

Thanks for the compliments too on the free sites I make, I have found a number of issues with developing them browser support is not easy to overcome, my stlyes being corrupted - I think this is what Meat got through.

This is a very tough job and often a very isolated one which is why feedback to me is paramount
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