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Old 2009-04-04, 01:16 AM   #19
"Young dumb and full of cum"
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My Thoughts :)

I've been watching this thread for a while now. I've even drafted 2 posts and deleted them.

As a newbie all I can say is roll with the punches. It is what it is kinda thing. I've promoted Movie Room and I've submitted to Hoes pretty diligently for the last year.

Marc has brought me good sales to my projects where others here felt more comfortable taking shit on me.

Recently I went to Marc promoting my new venture @ DTI. Which he started to bring traffic and sales right away. So In my case love begets love.

A few months ago I thought to myself. "Should I replace that recip" on that freesite which has been scrolled out with my own link list recip? I looked at my stats and surfed the LL's in search for answers. The only thing I can come up with is leave them as is and build more more more.

Link List and freesite traffic is slowly dying and losing steam to the tubes. I see a lot of submitters and LL's owners leaving the biz. This just plain sux and there's no real solution accept for what Marc is doing. That being... list the freesites for a short while and create those one way back links. Hoping the almighty Google will bump you up. If you think about it that does benefit the submitters new listings. When a surfer finds your freesite while searching googles top rankings and clicks on Hoes. Who benefits?

I think most of us including me forget to realize that it's free to submit to the biggies. So we should stop bitchin and be grateful. Has anyone played the TGP game? Speak up if you do and list your monthly invoices from Submit Passes or whoever. I dare you. DTI just plopped 700.00 today for a just a few passes.

In conclusion my answer to my own question is that it's Marc's list and what he chooses to do with it his own biz. I will back him up just like I would back up everyone else around here. That's just my gut feeling on this one. As a submitter as a webmaster and as an affiliate manager.
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