Thread: Jester Pls Read
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Old 2009-03-27, 04:30 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Mr Spock View Post
Wouldn't call it cheating , Chameleon does this with galleries and I assume with the LL submitter as well. Say you have 11 sites in your DB it will take one of the "better" sites (tommys or shemp or in the case of LL - LOR and use it to make up the missing recip(s). Great for the bigger site as you get more inbound links.

A similar thing CS does for galleries(not to sure if it applies to LL submitter , probably does) is to create a separate gallery for each site you submit to (resulting in 2 "fake recips) per submit - webmasters do this so they know exactly where each sale comes from , again the TGP/LL is getting more inbound links in (Mostly crappy worthless links , but still inbound links)

How much traffic do LL and TGPs get via the recip links anyway?
I'm not familiar with Chameleon, but you're saying I could end up with a site which contains a LOR recip, put their automatically by Chameleon, yet that site would not be listed at LOR (a different mirror would be, however). ...?

I doesn't sound like cheating, unless the submitter were intentionally trying to trick list into listing the site.

But it is misleading as hell, it seems. When I am listed with one of the major sites, I notice qute a few extra clicks from the recip links. I haven't kept count, but I would say 20-30 extra clicks, maybe more. It is something I value as a small list, but I would rather not be fooled, whether intentional or not.
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Last edited by LD; 2009-03-27 at 04:35 PM..
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