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Old 2004-03-07, 10:23 AM   #9
Don't come to Florida for vacation. We're closed.
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Location: Orlando, Florida
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This is what I figured. I expected a 1-3 month lag before any traffic started coming in regardless of what I did.

Starting a message board in and of itself is very tough- no matter what it is.

I only have 1/2 my content up- but it is all open to Guests as of now.

As far as the board is concerned, I need feeder sites like you mention, but I also need people to converse about the chicks so threads will get indexed in SE's.

I'm wondering if I should close off some galleries to Guests. As is they have not much incentive to join unless they want to enter a poll.

Wish I could get some mebers of RAME on my board. The Mod killed my genuine post. That usenet group is ideally the tone of content I want. Hmm...
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