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Old 2008-12-20, 09:37 PM   #1
Star Man
A boy without mischief is like a bowling ball without a liquid center
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: clevel.......don't make me say it!
Posts: 436
Smile When to say no more Mr. Nice Guy reviewer

When your at the bottom of the 'porn food chain' like me,sometimes you gotta take what you can get so when it comes to reviewing sites I'm usually a liberal guy and I usually let a lot of minor mistakes fly.lately though Ive been getting stuff thats just downright shameful and I'm tempted just go review Nazi on their asses.....In other words I want to review sites like MML & Greenie does... (joke)

Seriously though when do you say enough is enough already?I'm not the kind of guy that gets a kick out of rejecting sites infact I always find myself sitting there with the mouse cursor hovered over the reject button desperately thinking of a reason to let it slide.I tried things like sending out personal rejection emails with a invitation to this board so myself and others could help them but they don't care.

I mean some of the sites I review are so bad,it's almost comical.Stuff like a girl naked in gallery 1 and by the end of it she's fully dressed.I mean what is this..a bad Benny Hill skit?Come on.You know what really drives me crazy?When they build a beautiful looking site with great content and don't bother putting a title on the damn thing.

Anyhow I would like to hear how other 'small fries' such as myself handle reviews.Do you have standards?When do you finally put your foot down and say no more Mr. nice guy/gal reviewer?
good luck
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