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Old 2008-12-17, 10:05 PM   #28
Perverted Empress
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Number one, I read far more than I post, and I rarely post unless I have a point I want to make. The point I was attempting to make to you is that this method has been tried before and *possibly* worked for a few. I HATE sites that do nothing but run me in circles. Why would I ever want to build one, be a part of one, or even encourage one?. What you choose to do with your visitors is your business. There are a good number of newer webmasters here that are quite impressionable, and really don't need to be lead down your path.

You must also note that I called the idea of the circle jerks lame, not you or anyone else. If you don't know enough to feed your visitors what they want, perhaps you might fall into the category of being lame as well. NOTE THE OPERATIVE WORDS HERE. I underlined them and put them in bold just for you.

I really want to thank the gentlemen for stepping up to the plate here, but this one gets to be mine. <removes her velvet gloves and politeness>

Where the fuck do you get off coming onto a board and absolutely cussing out anyone who even remotely disagrees with you? Do you really think you will win anyone to your viewpoint with your retarded method of marketing? All you have shown is your total lack of class and maturity.

*I* pointed out some logical objections to a circle jerk without calling you or anyone else names. You got personal with it, and you insulted others here. Pull your head out of your ass, if you can reach that far (and I sincerely doubt you can), wipe the shit out of your eyes, and read.....

You are one of the biggest, most ignorant, rude assholes I have ever run across. Now, take your ideas of building any circle jerk kingdoms and shove them back into your ass. Wait.. let me put my boots on and do it for you...

Now, shove that head of yours back up where it belongs. In short, you are totally dismissed, disgusting, and disrespected.

Douchebag and cunt, eh? Go Fuck Yourself...

</replaces her velvet gloves and politeness>

Have a wonderful next life.. somewhere else!

Originally Posted by Undisputed1 View Post
A lame CJ? You're an idiot for several reasons. How do you know this has never worked for anyone? You don't b/c this has worked you douche, and this thread was not started to bash me or CJs. If you're not interested then FUCK OFF and keep the short sighted bullshit to yourself.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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