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Old 2008-11-26, 07:54 PM   #10
Heh Heh Heh! Lisa! Vampires are make believe, just like elves and gremlins and eskimos!
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: East Bay, California
Posts: 77
Originally Posted by Pagan View Post
and.. you want to show people how helpful you are? Hmm.. okay. If you have been around the industry as long as you claim, you would know better than to start such a thread. Geeze, next you will be ranting about squishing bugs or playing tennis!

Perhaps if you had tried to be a part of the community first? 17 posts in over a year isn't a huge number. Perhaps if you had shown us you had something worth while to contribute? What is your field of expertise? Freesites? Hot Air? Galleries? Pipedreams? Blogs? BS? CSS? SEO? LLs?

And yes.. I have been around this board, much more reading than posting, from almost day one. I have never seen an honest question be refused honest answers, or heard of a webmaster that has gone without receiving help. Other boards? Good luck. Yeah, I have accounts there, too, but I don't waste my time on them much except when I need some comic relief. IF you had bothered to read, you would have found out that profiles are a great place for putting such pieces of information as ICQ numbers, or you could have opened the door to private messages.

I won't jump to conclusions, but I will exercise my right to dismiss pretenders.
I'm confused. Does 'tennis' means something? |noclue| other than that sport which I enjoy playing badly.....
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