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Old 2008-11-19, 11:23 AM   #21
Mr Exotic
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Woke up to the bedroom door mysteriously falling off its hinges, kids must have done it sometime during the night. So my first few moment of the day were waking up to take a piss and then getting the bedroom door back on its hinges.

Yesterday was my boy's 4th birthday, luckily we already got the bday party over with Saturday, that was a whole lot of fun, nothing like having 8 wild children who arent your own running thru your house stressing out about whats gonna get broke. I hate to even say this, but my wife's 4 step brother's and sisters who range from 4-7 years old old are the kind of kids where I'd rather be locked in a cage than be stuck with. Maybe I'm an asshole, but when I tell my kids to do something or to stop doing something they know damn well they better listen or there will be consequences. The wife's step mom (who is 4 years older than me) just laughs and seems like she has no clue that her children are without a doubt the worst behaved children on the face of the god damn planet. This past summer while we were still at the apartment (obvisously a rental situation) one of the little bastards drew all over the walls while they were over, their mom thought it was fucking funny, told them they shouldnt do that again, with no consequences whatsoever. So I was just waiting to see what would happen to this new place. Luckily nothing happened.

Sunday night I had one of my insomnia episodes (meaning I didnt sleep one bit), dont know how or why these things happen, but I get hit with them usually every couple months. They usually seem to happen for a week at a time, I'll go 1 or 2 nights in a row without 1 second of sleep then sleep a night or two, then go another night or 2 without sleep. What sucks is that I'm so damn tired even attempting to do anything is pointless, I'm totally fucking exhausted, but sleep just wont happen. Then as mysteriously has these episodes appear, they go away and I'm sleeping normal again.

Gotta take the daughter to kindergarten here in 20 minutes, then its time to get the porn on.
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