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Old 2008-10-29, 10:18 PM   #1
If something's hard to do, then it's not worth doing
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 249
Judging the value of a link trade

If you're trading links for SEO -- how do you judge a "good" link, let alone a fair trade? I mean in these days when PR means nothing, and Alexa is meaningless there don't seem to be too many options.

Here's what I do:

I'll take a look using (premium account to show deep urls) to see if a potential link trade is ranking for a) my keywords, b) related terms or at least c) something rather than nothing.

Then I'll take a look at Alexa + Quantize + compete to get a traffic estimate -- if they have enough traffic to get detailed stats on quantize or compete I'll take that into consideration as well. It's rough but better than nothing I figure. I know I said this is for SEO not traffic, but they way I see it if they are not loved by the SE then they don't get no traffic.

So how do you look at it?

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