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Old 2008-10-07, 02:00 PM   #27
I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 86
Originally Posted by Simon View Post
Yes, using the old-style CENTER tags may "work" (a lot of things 'work') but it doesn't validate unless you're using an older DOCTYPE, pre HTML 4.01. Actually I think on some strict doctypes it won't even work, but you can get by on the transitional ones. If you don't care if your pages validate to your doctype, and if don't believe it has any effect on anything today and won't hurt you in the future, then you certainly should do whatever works for you.
It's not that I'm disagreeing with you or saying that my way is better. It's just that you're speaking Greek to me. I get that the code is outdated. I'm just not sure what you mean by validating it. I'll give that code you showed me a try. I could use some more practice with CSS anyways. You'll have to excuse my noobness. The infantry didn't exactly prepare me for all the nuances of blogging.

@Useless Warrior - There's nothing wrong with trying to help people, but since when does helping people include being a self righteous asshole? In this thread you posted one constructive piece of advice followed by five posts of you being a douchebag. This isn't the first post I've seen it in either. I'm guessing the comment "I'm not allowed to reply to this in the manner to which I am accustomed" is in reference to one of the moderators telling you that you have a big mouth and you need to cool it. Shocking...
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