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Old 2008-09-09, 07:37 AM   #28
Perverted Empress
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Originally Posted by papagmp View Post
So true - LOL

Just surf the various LL's - you'll be able to tell the the bad, good and awesome sites real quick.
See, that's why I posted my question the way I did. I have been surfing various sites for ideas, and I am having a hard time telling. I see blind links all over, sites that I know are straight from the sponsors, and tons of sites that I have a hard time finding gallery links through all the text and huge banners. I know that trends change in free sites, but.. when I look at a dozen or so of the newly listed sites on almost any LL and see these kinds of things, I begin to get confused. Yes, I do realize some of these may be the LL owner's sites, but, shouldn't they also meet the "rules" of that LL?

As to templates and lack of originality? How original is it to slap up a downloaded sponsor site and pass it off as your work? Site after site built with the same forumlas... kinda boring really. Even the content on what I surfed was ho-hum. Is this really what you guys want?

Heck, even if you pm me a couple without telling me what is what, it helps retrain these old eyes. Maybe today's surfers and LL owners want those cluttery sites. When I first started building freesites 10 years ago, the style was cluttery but with sponsor banners. Now it is huge text that screams out with tiny, almost invisible links to the content.
So, who sprinkled all that Bitchy dust?
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