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Old 2008-08-27, 08:37 PM   #19
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 631
Originally Posted by RedCherry View Post
I always think there are just so many ways to say "couple on a couch fucking", lol. I do so many galleries for women that feature just that, man it is had to come up with words not only to describe the gallery, but then to try and blog about it with even more words.
I find it best to treat the blog like it belongs to a character who is based on yourself. I'll take an experience from my past, like a trivial observation, blow it out of proportion, add some sex to it, and relate it to the gallery you're linking to. It works best with the kinds of sponsors who add "story lines" to their scenes. Sometimes they give you the grain and you can just run with it.

I've gotten few of my post ideas sitting in front of the laptop. Usually I get them on the way to the coffee maker downstairs or while out getting groceries or sitting in a coffee shop. Sometimes you look at someone and just make a little story about them in your head. Voila! Blog material.

If you have absolutely nothing to write sometimes it will suffice to just paraphrase the scene's storyline but make it more humorous and throw in some perspective from your character.

I think that's the only way you can keep people coming back (and to keep yourself from getting bored typing in the same repetitious keyword-laden blog content, over and over.)
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