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Old 2008-08-25, 10:32 PM   #17
Wheither you think you can or you think you can't, Your right.
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I think every one knows my answer.. But Simon brings up a good point and that is re-writing. I've done that quite often and to me it's much closer to handwritten. I know I've done it because, as we all know, after a while it's hard to come up with new writing, or your not feeling inspired, ect. Not to mention it can make for faster posting. Course many much to change it is a good question.

This question is also not one that can be answered with an easy yes or no, there are some variables. The big variable being how well the posts are SEO'ed. Also how SEO'ed the theme is, code v.s. content, if going after high traffic keywords or lower traffic long tails. Most blogs I've seen have poor SEO. I also think a big factor is, how often the blog is updated.

Just my thoughts.
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