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Old 2008-08-09, 06:21 PM   #15
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
secretagentwilly's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 637
Okay, I've cleaned up my older posts so I'm not hotlinking anything...I knew better from the start, but did it anyway just to kind of get the flow going and see if I was going to keep on keepin' on with the blogs...I think i'm going to. It's not to difficult to grab a picture and a link and throw out some what's the next step? I DON'T submit each post, I just submit the main url? Is this to like LOR and PenisBot? At what point should I submit it? I only have like 14 posts? I'm doubting if that's enough for anyone to list it? By the way, how many links should I put in a post? Am I over doing it? Are there any other tweaks or plugins one might recommend?

Thanks in advance.
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