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Old 2008-08-04, 04:06 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by LusciousDelight View Post
The biggest thing for me though, is hosted galleries. Many (not all) sponsors have killer galleries, professionally designed and far better than anything I could come up with, plus it cuts building time in half or more. Greater quantity AND better quality...a win win, not mention the whole 2257 thing...and get the picture.
Ah, so here's Free Site v1.5.1, but with mirrors.

Well, I don't need more submitters since I already have a queue that makes my bowels ache at night as if I'm getting DP'd, so I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon.

The only people my opinion should really matter to are those who already have submission accounts with me, so the rest of you can skip past this, or finish cooking your Ramen, or go screw something. The only reason I'm even posting is so that I won't get angry emails later when your sites get rejected months from now when I reach today's submissions in my queue.

Here goes:

Flash movies WHICH ARE HOSTED ON YOUR SERVER are fine. Do not embed sponsor hosted Flash movies. Your Flash movies may NOT be linked to anything when clicked, ie a paysite tour. You may use javascript to get past IE's two-click issue. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, you aren't ready to use Flash movies anyway.) I don't care if you have full player controls or just a play button.

I will, of course, accept MovieRoom Flash banners. I use them and I deem them trustworthy.

Counters? No, you silly newbie. Just because I trust you doesn't mean I trust SexTracker and friends.

Free/Sponsor hosting. No. Of course, I assume a couple of you use sponsor hosting anyway, but the ones I suspect have been submitting quality movie sites for a long time, so I'm not digging any deeper. But as a rule, no.

Hotlinking? LOL Oh, you people make me laugh and laugh.

iframes? Depends on the ad and the sponsor and the submitter.

Sponsor hosted galleries? If you submit a free site which consists of an index page, a main page, and two hosted galleries, it will be the last free site you ever submit to me, you lazy newbie slob. (I say that with love in my heart) If you do something simple and common like link to a hosted gallery as a bonus gallery, that's fine. Why would I care?

Maximum ads? I'm not a link counter. Presentation and navigability are what I'm looking for, not the number of links out. If you submit an original work of art/free site with quality clips that give me a giggle, inspire me, or remind my cock what porn is good for, I don't care if you link to your sponsor eighty times on that page, assuming it doesn't look like poo.

Autosubmitters: I'm still against them, but I'm not going to act like I can stop you. There are a couple of you who consistently have line breaks after at the end of your descriptions. If you aren't using submission software, then you suck horribly at copying and pasting.

If there's something I forgot to mention which you are curious about, ask here or PM me.

If you're reading this and wondering which lists I own so that you don't mistakenly submit your free hosted index and main pages linked to sponsor hosted galleries to me, don't worry - you can't submit to me anyway.
Click here to purchase a bridge I'm selling.
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