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Old 2008-07-16, 09:13 AM   #2
Nothing funnier than the ridiculous faces you people make mid-coitus
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I use a White Board with different colors of dry erase markers for each business i have to keep up.

and I know that there is a way to put alerts on my desktop but truthfully how many of us just ignore them??? Ok well I just "postpone" ..
With the white board its always in my face.
I put * next to the ones with deadlines and I put a date on them from the day i put them on the board.

To track my sponsors..
I use Excel.

Each sponsor has a tab and within the tab i put what i've done to advertise with them, banners (and where), free sites, galleries, blog posts.

Then when a check comes in from a sponsor.. i put the amount and since they are CCbill and i have the time. i can track the link.

It was a bitch to set up but once it was done, it's pretty easy to update. this way you know how much $$ you are making from each sponsor. I don't really track stats because ccbill and clickcash do that for me but you might want to make a column that adds those in as well.

I can send you a blank copy of what i use if that would help??

good luck.. organization is the big pink elephant in my world.. (and you all thought it was my ass, eh??)
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