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Old 2008-06-11, 06:01 AM   #10
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Hey Jeremy
Yeah man Kubica is such a great driver. I've heard Alonso said he's the best driver in F1 right now and while that surprised me a bit I thought about it and I'll be damned, it makes sense. He sure is the most constant one isn't he? He kept his head cool in every race and so far this year he did a helluva good job. A huge improvement since last year, makes u wonder what's gonna happen next year Another reason I love Kubica is cuz he's not afraid to publicly say that for him Rally trumps F1 at anytime, and if there's anything I like better then F1, that's gotta be rally - I find it more spectacular but F1 is more of a show so... but yeah, rally rocks So the guy clearly has a nice character and I think that's just as important as driving good.

I'm sure Nick wasn't to happy to let him by but what was he supposed to do? Make him loose time would've been silly, Robert is a faster driver then Heidfeld anyways (again, remember last year? H was the best of the two - amazing progress for robert K) and other then that Nick had just pitted, he had a tankfull of gas while K was way light, it wouldn't have made any sense to try and keep him behind. Not sure if it was a team directive or what, but I do believe K would've passed him either way! And another thing you know when alonso was right in heidfeld's ass (just before he crashed hihi) there was a team-radio intro on my transmission where I could hear bmw's race technician telling heidfeld to rather let alonso by rather then loose time keeping him behind.

Quite honestly, in today's team, I believe heidfeld no longer has a place in the BMW team. He just doesn't cope... he's not fast enough. And I'm not only talking in race conditions, but look at his qualifying times... In monaco he qualified 13 ON A FUCKING BMW when there was no excuse not to make top 10, while in canada he qualified 8th in the same car kubica allmost took to pole?? WTF man, that's not right. I want heidfeld gone and I want Alonso to take his place alongside Kubica! I don't particularly like Alonso (he's an ok driver, whatever) but I think he'll be great for the team: IMO he's knows how to prep and setup a car better then all the other guys out there (he was second only to schumacher maybe but he's history).

Which brings me to BMW... their win was now being due... I am a BMW fan in general and I've loved the team straight from their sucky start in F1. Well, not really sucky but nothing compared to when McLaren-Mercedes joined Man, they had such a great fucking car right from the start - I remember an image taken from a ferrari (I believe barichelo's car) it was speeding full throttle on a long straight line and all of a sudden both mclaren cars passed him by like he was doing 30 mph. I was like... WHOAAAAAA WTF just happened???

But I digress, I believe BMW is a force to be recon with and they're gonna get very good, very soon. Sure they're not as good as ferrari yet but ferrari has been in f1 straight from the start in 1950 and mclaren since when? 1960something. So in short 3 years BMW got right there along side these guys - Sure, ok, you're gonna say they've got the Sauber know-how, true but Sauber always sucked Aaaanyways, I believe in one or two more years BMW is gonna rule F1

Urm... now I'd better go get some work done before I waist more time
Would love to hear your toughts guys, other then "I like f1"
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