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Old 2007-12-22, 09:10 AM   #4
I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 86
Thanks for the replay, I'll go ahead and set up affiliates through ccbill and I already have a few banners put together but I'll work on getting some galleries up too.

Getting traffic definitely seems to be the hard part. I know the site has potential to make money since it has already started to with very little traffic and no I don't have any traffic sources.

All I really know what to do is list the site on search engines and advertise on newsgroups (which I'm having problems posting to for some reason). The affiliate thing is all new to me, so I'm trying to pick up what I can from here.

Once I have built a good set of tools for webmasters what would you as far as 1) convincing webmasters that my site is worth it for them to promote and 2) getting my site on to link lists etc. Also, you mentioned that I need to be directing more traffic to my site as well, do you have any suggestions other than what has been mentioned on how I might be able to do that?
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