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Old 2007-12-20, 05:27 PM   #16
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Louisiana
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Nice idea TekAngel. I'm afraid that there are a lot of other folks that are better than me at scripts and designs and such. One thing that I could offer that might be especially helpful to either a new webmaster, or someone with a new site, is free traffic for a period of time. Let's say that someone has a site the they're interested in trading traffic with and they want to have some coming in for a week or so, that they can use to have that "stepping stone" effect. Does that count? No recip required, of course. Obviously, traffic is finite but for any interested parties, pm me here and I'll put you up on one of my tgp's and force some traffic for a week or so. If I get too many interested folks, I may have to stagger the traffic/weeks over the next month or so.
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