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Old 2007-12-05, 10:24 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Ramster View Post
I'm a bit confused.... he doesn't run your site? Yes I know you update it but why is he even on your account or considered your "partner"? You call him your partner, why is that?

If you have a partner JUST to get a ccbill and epoch account I'll go back to my original statement months back....join a program and have them process your site for you. You'll see 10 times the traffic from their 100's/1000's of webmasters for a small percentage. Well worth it IMO.
That is excellent advice Ramster.
As for trusting on a handshake, sometimes it works great and sometimes not. As most people know, I lost a lot of money having a dishonest partner.

GGandJ is based only on virtual handshakes. As a matter of fact, the only time anyone screwed us is when they forced us to sign a contract and they broke it As for Greenie and myself...shit, we have been friends and in business for too long to even think about it.
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