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Old 2007-12-04, 07:41 PM   #1
Trying is the first step towards failure
TightTeela's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 121
hard lesson learned

hopefully my site wont be down for long, but even if you know someone for years i suppose its best to not do business together.

-clip from online support

teela: i need assistance with an affiliate account 100644

You are now speaking with Jason Shepard of Tech Support.

Jason Shepard: Welcome to Epoch chat. My name is Jason. How can I assist you?

teela: jason, i think it was last week i had asked for this account 100644 to be filled in with my correct info

teela: this is affiliate account that belongs to me

teela: yet i have no way of logging into this account, or where that money is going

Jason Shepard: Did you originally sign up to this account?

Jason Shepard: If so you can re-set your login here

teela: no i believe my partner set this account up, i got this icq from him

teela: Lange ‎(5:06 PM):
Hey Reilly....can you have him log into the account he didn't get paid on see what he has in his Account Information > Personal Information
Lange ‎(5:06 PM):
This is for his affiliate account

teela: on top of that, last week, i had already asked and it appeared to be correct

Jason Shepard: Your name is on the account.

teela: yes

teela: it shows my name, and it should have my address, last week i went over this with another support person

teela: i followed the instructions , contacted support, asked them to fill in the same info as my other account, which should be as site owner

Jason Shepard: Go here and re-set the password and you will have access to that account.

Jason Shepard: Its saying confidential because I dont have access to the account information details.

teela: ok

teela: so as site owner, and epoch being my account and processor

teela: how come i can not change it?

teela: when it was already changed last week

teela: now someone, has changed it again

teela: and im not seeing the money

teela: can you tell me who else has access to my merchant account?

teela: account M-287755

Jason Shepard: Reilly is also on the account.

teela: figures as much and hence the bs i suppose

teela: am i able to remove his access?

Jason Shepard: No.

teela: why not, if i own this account?

Jason Shepard: Are you referring to the affiliate account. Or the control of the Master account.

teela: control of the master account

Jason Shepard: Your not a listed contact on the account.

teela: is that so?

teela: i thank you very much for that info

teela: and i wonder why epoch has anything to do with my site, my company, when i have no say in this account

teela: wouldnt epoch for a domain search, a company search, anything?

teela: or just take reillys word to set it up?

Jason Shepard: That would probably be better answered by your account rep.

teela: thank you for your help
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