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Old 2007-11-28, 07:52 PM   #8
Subversive filth of the hedonistic decadent West
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Originally Posted by AndyS View Post
I do not believe there will be a need for separate mobile porn as from what I have seen the mobile devices are coming towards a recognised web format as they get more bandwidth and will become just another way to watch and join standard sites.
My Sony Ericsson phone does the web but like most cell phones it's not the real web, it sucks.

If other phone makers follow Apple and start putting real web browsers and email clients, like is the case with the iPhone, then the phone users will start using their phones like a laptop.

The other thing that needs to change is the networks. 3G is about the only thing with half decent speed but it's expensive and not everywhere. The phones with built-in wifi, like the iPhone, at least have fast internet when around wifi but having a fast network needs to be everywhere and seamless before phone internet really grows.

About the smallest screen that I can watch a movie on is about what the iPhone has. My neighbor had a game/movie/something device that I think was made by Sony. It had about, maybe a bit bigger, screen that I remember being able to enjoy a movie on.

The other thing that may happen is flexible screens. If the screen rolls up into the device then the phone can be smaller then the screen. If the keyboard is on the screen then it gets really small and easy to carry, why carry a laptop at all. Organic LCDs are coming. They can be printed by inkjet type devices on flexible material.

Batteries are getting smaller and higher capacity. Networks are getting cheaper and faster. Within ten years we will be carrying something not bigger then a pocketknife that is does what your music player, cell phone, laptop, gps, credit card, house keys, car keys, garage door opener, and who knows what else device does.

A year ago I had never used a GPS. Got lost all the fucking time. Half the time could not remember where I parked my car. Bought a GPS for the car, never got lost again. Liked it so much that I bought a new GPS that works in the car plus is not much bigger then the iPhone so now I take it everywhere. It even remembers where I parked the car. I would really like it if my next phone also had a GPS in it so that I don't have to carry two devices. The iPhone can already do much of what I lug a laptop around for which is email and a little web browsing.

I'm way too lazy to proof read what I just wrote.
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