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Old 2007-11-28, 04:34 PM   #6
NY Jester
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Jim, as the step father to a soon to be 18 year old boy, all I hear about is - the Zune or iPod Video, iPod Touch, The iPhone or the new Verizon Voyager - it may not be us, those 25-40+ now, but the up and coming soon able to view porn legally generation that will push this media into the "latest boom". I know for me, growing up, at first porn was only on 8mm or reel to reel, then with the advent of the VCR, porn became easier to get a hold of. Friends could pass tapes between each other and not have to worry about it. The ease of use was just a simple rewind and bam you had porn. Then DVD made it even easier. Its all about the ease of use and the hassle of it not be noticable. Now the ease of use will be a touch away. The new phones, mp3 players, media players all have the ability or will have the ability to transfer files between each other...simply, friends borrowing from each other. The key is to be able to get in on the ground level and be ready for when that next "boom" hits.

Do we know of any sponsors working on mobile content? Im sure it will be a topic of discussion at some of the next webmaster events as it becomes increasingly more popular. I can already see the push for the .mobi domains.

Thats just my take on it.
The Sexy Side of Porn
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