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Old 2007-10-24, 10:06 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by SheepGuy View Post
I'm hoping the whole index, mainpage, gallery1, gallery2, structure will eventually bite the dust. It's a fairly new thing and it stifles creativity.
Originally Posted by ladydesigner View Post
I totally agree BUT what's the solution to the standard free site index, main page, gallery 1 and gallery 2 structure? I've been thinking about this for a long time and haven't been able to come up with any new ideas. We already have one page TGP's.
Originally Posted by Linkster View Post
I seem to remember that it has been the "accepted" structure for at least 9 years???? Although there was some flexibility about where the recips were placed and some of us still have that flexability - I dont remember another structure except for feeders, se/dmoz and avs sites
I don't mind the structure of the freesite, obviously it still has it's fans and people are familiar with it. I agree that the two entrance pages (index & main) need to have something compelling to them, making the surfer stop and look at it, but instead of fooling with the structure, I think we need to think of different ways to present our stuff on those pages. Everyone keeps saying most of their sales come from those pages, so we must be doing something right

For freesites to change and move forward, I think we need to change the way we think about those pages, and how we present information on them. For me, the structure's fine, it's just what I do with them that I want to experiment with.

Which kinda brings me back to the original point - I see freesite builders getting a little more aggressive with their advertising tactics, which suggests what - frustration? trying to push the limits? I don't know, but I don't want to start seeing it become out of control, because I feel bad about declining good submitters and feeling like I'm being too anal about it. But when I click something and am surprised at where I end up, how is my surfer going to feel?

There are some things I've tried that I wasn't sure would be accepted, but were, so I know there are other ways to get more creative without breaking or pushing the rules
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