Thread: Good Free Site?
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Old 2007-09-16, 09:49 AM   #4
Arghhhh...submit yer sites ya ruddy swabs!
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Originally Posted by Llam4 View Post
I'm thinking of submitting my free site to link lists soon, but since my last free site didn't go smoothly I'd appreciate it if some of you could let me know if there's anything rejectable about this freesite.

If it's acceptable:
Link list owners, if I submitted this to your LL, would you place me among the top, middle or bottom entries for the day? I did spend a lot of time trying to design it better than a vast majority of the free sites I've seen linked in LLs before. What would warrant a higher placement?

Thanks, all.
I'm not sure what makes you think this site is designed better than the 'vast majority' of free sites out there, but we don't need to go there

A few comments that may help you;

I see the site is designed for 1024 wide. While that's not a problem with some lists (mine included), I suspect there are still some reviewers hanging on to the 800 wide rule. Definitely something for you to consider while setting up who you want to submit the site to.

That spammy keywords meta, with irrelevant terms to boot, isn't going to help you. And may in fact cause declines with reviewers who check such things. Here's a thread I did a while back on metas...

Free Site Meta Tags Tips

You 2257 link almost vanishes on mouseover. Probably not an issue that would cause declines, but can't help matters either.

As mentioned, most lists allow up to 3 outbound links per page, I'd think of a way to get one more ad on those galleries. Perhaps something about that gigantic image at the top of the pages, which by the way is pretty pixelated and not really doing you any good.

If you really want to design something that's better than most of the sites I see, try changing up your metas on every page. Same story with the on page text, change it up on every page. Building unique pages will pay long term dividends

Other than those issues, the site looks fine. But, it could use some tweaking to really be better than what we see every day
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