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Old 2007-09-10, 06:14 PM   #1589
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Clarification on the rules

Originally Posted by Greenie View Post
I don't see that your site was ever submitted - but you might want to read the rules again before you submit it, as that's not the type of site I'd list.

You also might want to surf the sire in IE, as I saw a lot of errors on the pages.
Hmmm... I've gone back over the rules, and maybe I'm confused about the terminology in Rule 1: "I only list Free Sites (warning page leads to main page leads to gallery pages) No galleries, no pay sites, no avs sites." My site is free, doesn't use any AVS, but it has galleries. So am I disqualified because of the "no galleries" clause, or is it because my site has more stuff in it than just "warning page leads to main page leads to gallery pages"? In other words, can I resolve this by some tweaks or redesigns, or is my concept just too far removed from the "Freesites" formula?

Second matter: I took a lot of time to be sure all pages met the 1024x768 rule, so the dreaded horizontal scrollbar isn't an issue ... my version of IE (6.0) doesn't show any errors, so I'm puzzled about what you're seeing.

Don't want to waste your time with a fresh submission if I'm missing the point ...

The Bareassed Beachcomber
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