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Old 2007-07-02, 07:05 PM   #18
The only guys who wear Hawaiian shirts are gay guys and big fat party animals
Join Date: Jan 2004
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To have really good protection against DDOS attacks generally means having
seperate hardware sitting in front of the server filtering the attacks. This hardware
can be expensive. Howver, simple things like syn cookies can often do the job.

First, though, a few questions. Are you REALLY sure it's a DDOS attack as
opposed to a dictionary attack or brute force attack? I see dictionary attacks far
more often than I see DDOS on porn sites and they can have similar effects but
a different reponse is required in each case.

Secondly, if it is a DDOS attack, why are they attacking you?
Generally noone has anything to gain from a DDOS attack, so if someone is
DOS attacking you you must have really pissed them off. Are you a spammer,
content thief, etc? If so, the best response is to stop being an asshole and
pissing people off. The people who need to hear this may have a hard time
understanding it, so I'm going to repeat. If you are doing something slimy that
causes people to want to attack you, cut that shit out! It REALLY does work
better to play fair. This is coming from someone who has been ful time in this
business from over a decade, so I speak from experience, not from some
moral theory.

If it is a DDOS and you're not a slimeball, you long has this been going on.
Quite likely whoever is pissed at you will find someone new to be pissed at
tommorrow and you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Provided the above conditions are met, you're sure it's a DDOS, you're not a
slimeball, and it continues for a long time, Swiftwill and Phatservers would be
good to talk to. Swiftwill is extremely security consious, so they may know a lot
about these types of attacks and be able to help you. Phatservers just kicks
ass all around. They know what they are doing with anything having to do with a
server and their customer support is ridiculously good. They aren't specifically
targetted at security like Swiftwill is.
Ray Morris
Strongbox/Throttlebox & more
TXDPS #A14012
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