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Old 2007-05-01, 09:52 PM   #37
Arghhhh...submit yer sites ya ruddy swabs!
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First and foremost...again, thanks very much everyone...your posts really do make me feel like perhaps I made a lil difference in a good way

Bill...nothing really cosmic or enlightening here man. I've been struggling for some time now...simply can't keep traffic on top. So much so that I'm now in a very bad financial situation. Add in the long hours, lack of reward...and constant cheats on all fronts...fuck it, it's simply not worth it any more. If you're making money, my hats off to ya...enjoy it

I'm moving into the geek business full time, to fight the cocksucking installers from the end users systems. It's starting slowly, but is lucrative...very fulfilling and the customer hands me their credit card with a smile

I'll be often depends on how busy the geek thing gets. Haven't been around for a while now due to getting things arranged to move the sites. Then came down with a really bad dose of the flu...102 degree fever...which aggravated a 20 year old head injury. Had a few seizures, which got me a lights and sirens EMT ride and few day stay in the intensive care unit. Feeling much better now...but it's been a pretty fuckin bumpy few weeks...

As to my Aussie friend that has my sites now...I rather doubt that he'll show up here. He's a pretty much behind the scenes search engine kind of a guy. Given his seo skills and already very successful network of sites...hopefully, he'll be able to accomplish what I wasn't able to with FPP.

Yea Fonz, I'm definitely not the only one having these thoughts.

Hey Sy...good to see ya! Wondered how you were doing. Sounds good know how to find me when you're ready
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