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Old 2007-05-01, 06:06 PM   #1
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
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Question for owners & submittters

Hypothetical question.
I get a submission that in it's recip tables has Tommy and DD, both of whom require partner accounts. It's a good submission from someone new to me so I list it, but keep an eye out to see if Tommy or DD list it, and they don't. So I get 4 or 5 more good sites from the same guy with the same recip table and list them. The big guys don't.
For link list owners, what would you do?
For submitters, why would you link to someone who requires an account that you don't have? Why not have a LL in those spots who will at least look at your submission, or, in Tommy's case, buy an account next time around. Seems a little deceptive.
If the Environment was a bank, they would have saved it by now.
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