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Old 2007-04-27, 09:23 AM   #8
You can now put whatever you want in this space :)
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Originally Posted by eman View Post
I'm not sure that it would be possible to prove anything. I was thinking more along the lines of inviting open speculation.

If one webmaster says his ratios have gone bad with such and such a sponsor and that view is then supported by a dozen other wms, then "the weight of opinion" would seem to suggest that something is wrong. If enough people smell a rat then there probably is a rat.

On the other hand, if nobody else supports an accusation then it will be seen to be unfounded with no real harm done in terms of a program's reputation.
While these forums are open to free speech . . . and your certainly open to speculate. . .

I think I would be very careful on how I would word any post along those lines. Im sure that Green Guy and Jim would both agree that as forum owners we arent liable for unfounded speculation on the part of our users.

From where I sit I wouldnt make that post. It would be like saying can I call out a gay sponsor that I send all my straight traffic to and it doesn't convert?

Certainly thats not the spirit in which I open this forum.
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