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Old 2007-02-21, 03:33 PM   #2
Arghhhh...submit yer sites ya ruddy swabs!
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Originally Posted by DJilla View Post
After three weeks, you'll be stupid as a rock because your brain can't handle the extra oxygen, unable to concentrate, sweating, sleeping for two hours at a time, waking up trying to get something done giving up and going back to bed for two more hours, make mistakes on everything you do, want to tear the head off of anybody that annoys you which is usually everyone and everything. You are weaker and shorter of breathe than you ever remember being while you smoked. Can't eat anything. And now I'm in the stage where I'm coughing every sixty seconds for the reward of a penny sized piece of flem. My chest is so sore I feel like I have broken ribs. Boy this is GREAT!
Sounds awesome!

Hmmm...think I'm gonna step out for a smoke

Seriously though DJ...good luck with it man, tough road to be sure, but you'll be glad you did it in the end
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