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Old 2007-02-11, 03:23 PM   #22
Internet! Is that thing still around?
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2
I’m not here to give a “standardized” sponsor answer, but simply to tell you what happened, whether you chose to take that at face value is your choice since it’s obvious that you have an issue with us and our program…which incidentally was sold Dirty Daisy back in March of last year so how was it our responsibility to notify you that we had been sold the site? I would imagine the selling party would have e-mailed you, and know for a fact that they did send out a standardized e-mail as it ended up on the boards a week later.

Anyhow back to the point at hand, yes this was an seo script that is the same script being sold by STB on GFY. I was attempting to make use of the script and after a week or two of playing with it found I neither had the time nor energy to make it work correctly. However, since you seem not to know what this script is, it automatically will build a page depending on what a surfer types in, if someone types in Raven it will pull from googles images pictures of raven that, when clicked on, will go to the image themselves. If your image was linked to it was done so because it was indexed in Google’s images.

I had intended to make some use of the script through more research but have found, as I stated above, I neither have the time nor energy to play with it and tweak it to work correctly and have pulled it from my server. Cached pages…well I can do nothing about those. Anyhow it’s obvious that you are not going to be satisfied with any explanation given but there it is.
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